Newbury Democratic Town Committee

Who are we

The Newbury Democratic Town Committee is a group local activists and engaged citizens working to promote the ideals, policies and candidates of the Democratic Party.

We encourage the participation of all eligible voters in the electoral process. We believe that the participation of all our citizens in open public discourse strengthens our democracy.

While we celebrate our individual rights, we understand that the freedom and prosperity we enjoy is the result of our commitment to work together for the common good. Our challenge is to respect differences of philosophy and opinion while finding common threads that unite us while we work to make our community, state, and country more just, equitable, and fair. 


March 6, 2024 Monthly Newbury DTC Meeting 7:00 - 8:30 pm Zoom Meeting

At our monthly  meeting we will be talking about our voter outreach and welcoming guest speakers:

Eunice Ziegler, Candidate for Governor's Council District 5

Becc O’Brien, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

March 9, 2024 Newbury DTC Caucus 12:00 - 2:00 pm  Newbury Library

The Newbury Democratic Town Committee is hosting a caucus to select delegate to attend the State  Democratic Convention.   All are welcome! Come and apply to be a delegate or hear the delegate candidates talk, learn about our local committee and meet some like-minded people! In order to be a delegate, you must be a registered Democrat (or preregistered) at the time of the caucus and be at least 16 years of age.  You can register at the caucus also.

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